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How to Create a Homeschool Transcript for the Common Application

Everyone tells you that you have to create a homeschool transcript and other documents for the Common App and other applications, but no one tells you how.

So, I’ve gathered my best resources and articles for you to easily plan and create a homeschool high school transcript and supporting documents that colleges find professional and credible.

Homeschool mom creating homeschool high school transcript on bed

Step 1. Know the 4 Parts of Your Homeschool College Application

Applying to colleges as a homeschooler is different than traditional applicants because you, the parent, act as counselor, submitting documents on behalf of the student and their homeschool.

The four main documents a homeschooler submits to the Common App are:

  1. The Transcript
  2. Course Descriptions
  3. School Profile
  4. Counselor Letter of Recommendation

The Transcript

Your homeschool transcript is the core of your homeschool documents. Admissions will likely look at this first to get an overview of your homeschooler’s academic rigor and grades.

How to Create Homeschool Transcript That Colleges Love

The Ultimate Guide to Homeschool Credits for High School

homeschool high school transcript with plant

Course Descriptions

Think of course descriptions as the extension of your transcript. Admissions officers love to see course descriptions because it adds a layer of context that is necessary for homeschoolers.

How to Create Course Descriptions That Colleges Love

Homeschool kids running through corn maze

School Profile

The school profile adds yet another layer of context by providing information about your homeschool and its history, philosophy, and academic standards.

How to Create Your School Profile as a Homeschooler

homeschool school profile

Counselor Letter

Your letter of recommendation adds a powerful perspective on your teen that no one else can give. Use this letter wisely to provide a professional, yet personal, take on your teen.

How to Write a Homeschool Counselor Letter That Colleges Love

homeschool transcript and letter of recommendation with coffee and books

Do colleges accept homeschool transcripts?

Yes, colleges accept homeschool transcripts as legitimate and credible. You don’t need to be part of any “accredited” program. You don’t need to get your transcript notarized. Your homeschool transcript is official because you are the counselor, the supervisor of a legitimate homeschool.

However, it is your job to create one that provides context and shows you took your homeschooler’s education seriously.

What does a homeschool transcript look like?

A homeschool transcript looks like any other high schooler’s transcript. Ideally, it’s a one page document that lists course names, grades, credits, and GPA. Testing may or may not be included. Activities and awards should not be.

Here’s an example homeschool transcript template

Homeschool Transcript Template Example Sample

👉 Grab this Homeschool Transcript Template HERE!

Homeschool Transcript Template

Step 2. Choose a Homeschool Transcript Template

You can DIY it or use a transcript template. Both are good options. A few questions to note when selecting the best transcript template for you:

  1. Does it tell my homeschooler’s story accurately?
  2. Does it use the grading scale I use?
  3. Does it use the weighting system I use?
  4. Does it show weighted and unweighted GPA?
  5. Does it show semester, yearly, and cumulative GPA?
  6. Can I designate classes as Honors or AP or Dual Enrollment?
  7. Can I add outside provider names if I want?
  8. Is it one page?
  9. Is it cluttered?
  10. Is there a place for testing?
  11. Is there a place to add middle school courses or pass/fail courses?
  12. Is there a place to add notes?

Step 3. Calculate the GPA on Your Homeschool Transcript

Your homeschool transcript isn’t just a collection of courses and grades. It’s a document that reflects all of the decisions that went into your homeschool high school years.

Your GPA is the same. It’s more than a number. And before you calculate it, you have some decisions to make.

My Online Homeschool GPA Calculator and FAQs

homeschool gpa calculator screenshot

Step 4. Send Your Homeschool Transcript to Colleges

College applications are online these days so you’ll simply upload your transcript and other documents through their portals. A few will ask for you to submit through Parchment. Many, however, use the The Common Application, AKA The Common App.

How to Navigate the Common App as a Homeschooler

mom creating homeschool transcript + common application

When to send your homeschool transcript to colleges

Your homeschool documents have the same deadline as your student so make sure you’re ready. Most college application deadlines are between October and January.

In February, you’ll submit your midyear report. In June, you’ll submit your final transcript. For each, you’ll update the GPA and credits for completed classes.

How to Submit the Common Application Midyear Report

homeschooler's college application midyear report in pink notebook

What Colleges Want From Homeschoolers

In most cases, colleges are looking for the same thing in every applicant: academic achievement, extracurricular distinction, and strong character.

The following articles will help you create a high school plan that refines and shapes your homeschool story into an unforgettable transcript.

3 Things College Want to See on Your Homeschool Transcript

Homeschool high schooler with magnifying glass

How to Prepare Your Homeschooler for College Admissions

black and white homeschool high school planner

How to Get Your Homeschooler Into Selective Colleges

homeschool high school book on applying to ivy + selective colleges

My Method

My method is simple: tell your homeschool story in an authentic and powerful way through the transcript and other documents that you submit through the Common App and other college applications.

Just as you were intentional in homeschooling high school the way you do, create a college application in the same way.

The Best Way to Boost Your Homeschooler’s College Chances

homeschool high schooler's computer and coffee and college applications

Your Role

As you enter the high school years, your role as homeschool parent changes. Suddenly, you are counselor, director, leader, manager.

That means you have decisions to make along the way…whether planning high school or applying to college.

My advice? Know your goals. Plan in advance. Keep good records. Stay consistent.

How to be Your Homeschooler’s High School Counselor

homeschool high school graduate with parents

What to do in 9th and 10th grade

In the early high school years, focus on planning and record keeping. Plan a high school that nurtures your homeschooler’s story and values. And keep thorough homeschool records along the way, updating your transcript and course descriptions each year.

👉 Get organized with the Record Keeper & Planner HERE!

Homeschool High School to College Planner

What to do in 11th and 12th grade

By spring of junior year, focus on polishing all four of your homeschool documents. Become familiar with the Common App so that when it’s time, you’re ready to tell colleges your homeschooler’s story.

👉 Get more insider tips, samples, and a template with the Course Descriptions Toolkit! Grab it HERE!

Homeschool Transcript Course Descriptions Template


Lisa Davis Fearless Homeschoolers

I'm Lisa Davis, Founder of Fearless Homeschoolers and proud member of IECA. As a college admissions consultant who's worked with hundreds of homeschool families, I believe you should know exactly how to go through the homeschool to college journey without second guessing yourself. Join me and I'll show you the way...

Shop for Transcript Templates & More!

Homeschool Transcript Template

Homeschool Course Descriptions Template

Homeschool to College Planner

Homeschool Counselor Letter Toolkit

Homeschool School Profile Toolkit

Common App Crash Course for Homeschoolers

Homeschool College Application Tracker