Homeschool GPA Calculator

Calculate the weighted and unweighted GPA for your homeschool transcript and your semester, yearly, and cumulative GPA and credits. Use this online calculator for high school, college, summer programs, and scholarships.

Instructions and FAQs for how to calculate your GPA below.

How to Calculate Your Homeschool GPA

Step 1. Collect your homeschool records - class names, grades, and credits.
Step 2. If you have current credits and GPA you’d like to use in your calculations, add them first. On mobile? Flip phone to view entire calculator.
Step 3. Begin with Year 1, Semester 1.
Step 4. Add course names, grades, credits, and weight.
Step 5. If splitting a year-long class into 2 semesters, remember to enter half the total credits each semester!
Step 6. The most common weighting system is used here - 4.0 for regular, college prep classes; 4.5 for honors; 5.0 for AP or dual enrollment, community college classes.
Step 5. When complete, your weighted and unweighted GPA for semester and year will be on the bottom right.
Step 6. Add a second semester if needed.
Step 7. Your weighted cumulative GPA will be on the top right.
Step 8. Continue with Year 2, Year 3. Year 4.
Step 9. Your work will be saved on your computer so you can update and make changes later!

Homeschool Transcript GPA Questions & Answers

GPA Calculator FAQs

Should I use a weighted or unweighted GPA on my homeschool transcript?
There’s no one right or wrong answer. Each public and private school has their own system and you can too. I, do however, strongly recommend using weighted - some colleges use the weighted GPA for admission purposes & to determine scholarship amounts.

Note: Some homeschoolers include both weighted & unweighted GPA’s on their transcript. Feel free to use that option.

What grading scale should I use?
As a homeschooler, you get to decide what your grading scale or grading key will be. Again, each public and private school has their own system and you can too. What grade percentage do you consider an A in your homeschool? Will you use minus and plus letter grades? Your grading scale itself doesn’t matter; being consistent in using it does. The following grading scale charts are the two most commonly used ones:
Homeschool Transcript Grading Scale Chart Options

How do I give homeschool grades?
If your classes are being done at home, the best way to assign grades is using a combination of homework, quizzes and tests, essays, projects, lab reports, and discussion. Determine beforehand what percentage of each of those factors will add up to be 100%. Calculate the class grade accordingly.

I forget what grades my homeschooler got!
Truth. Many homeschoolers simply don’t keep track of their homeschooler’s grades and records all four years. Don’t let this happen to you. It’s embarrassing and time consuming to call former teachers and scramble for this info years later. Keep track of your homeschool records by using my Homeschool to College Planner or your own system. Just do it!

How do I assign and calculate credits?
Most year long high school classes are 1 credit. Here are 4 ways to determine if your homeschool class is worth 1 credit:

  1. 120-180 hours of high school level work
  2. Completion of high school level textbook
  3. AP Course
  4. 3-4 college credits

Here are 4 ways to determine if your homeschool class is worth 0.5 credit:

  1. Semester long high school class (unless provider states otherwise)
  2. 60-90 hours of high school level work
  3. 1-2 college credits
  4. Electives tend to be 0.5 credit
options for homeschool credits on high school transcript  

How do colleges use my homeschooler’s GPA?
Remember I mentioned that each school has their own grading and weighting system? To put each kid on an even playing field, many colleges use the student’s unweighted grades and recalculate using their own rubric, factoring in a student’s rigor.

Why bother using a weighted GPA then?
Scholarships! Some schools use the weighted GPA to determine scholarships amounts. I don’t want your homeschooler to miss out on amazing scholarships!

Additionally, plenty of schools use weighted GPAs for admission purposes.

Weighting your GPA is easy enough to do, especially with this calculator, so just do it!

Does a high GPA even matter?
Short answer? Not really. One applicant can have a 5.0 GPA with basket weaving type classes. Another can have a 3.7 with all AP and Dual Enrollment classes. Colleges know this. That’s why many recalculate using their own formula. What matters most: the rigor and upward trend of your homeschooler’s high school years.

Where do I include the GPA on the homeschool college application?
Of course your GPA will be on your homeschool transcript. But you’ll also need it for the counselor account questions within the Common App (Common Application). Your grading scale and evaluation methods will also be used on your school profile and course descriptions.

Homeschool School Profile for Transcript

Homeschool Course Descriptions for Transcript

Should middle school classes be counted in the GPA?
Another decision that’s up to you. If you’re including a middle school math or foreign language class on your high school transcript, feel free to include it in the GPA.

What if my homeschooler’s outside class uses a different grading & weighting system?
This is tricky. You’ll have some decisions to make regarding how to do this and how to note it on your transcript and school profile. Make it simple for admissions officers to understand. Be transparent about how you’re translating all of the grades.

How many high school credits is a community college class?
A typical college class is 3 college credits, but is worth only 1 high school credit.

3-4 college credits = 1 high school credit
1-2 college credits = 0.5 high school credit

Do I count a pass/fail class in the GPA?
No, don’t count pass/fail classes in your GPA. But do count them in your credit total.

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