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What Every Homeschooler Needs to Know About APs

If you have an 8th or 9th-grade homeschooler, you’re probably overwhelmed with trying to plan the high school years.

I remember it well.

You hear that APs are important to selective institutions. But you also hear they’re just another way to turn your homeschool into the confines of a traditional school, lacking the freedom and exploration that is at the core of your homeschool philosophy.

Your homeschooler wants to pursue intense passions, yet wants to pursue selective schools.

AP class on computer with homeschooler legs

The ultimate homeschool guide to AP classes and exams. What you need to know about selective college admissions.

What is an AP Course?

Advanced Placement classes are college-level courses which expose high school students to the rigor of college work.

The exams are offered by the College Board, the makers of the SAT and CSS Profile. Offered once a year in May, there are now 38 exams in a variety of subjects from which to choose.

Why AP Courses Matter

Traditionally, APs were used to accumulate college credit which lessened the cost and the time spent on lower level college courses.

While this still holds true for many schools, it is not much of a reality at selective institutions. These days, strong applicants are taking AP classes and exams to be competitive with the other strong applicants, taking anywhere from 5–10 APs during their high school years.

The Reality

A vicious cycle? A money making scheme from the College Board? A contributor to the levels of anxiety this generation is facing?

Yes, to all of the above. But that doesn’t diminish the benefits of taking to the exam (and scoring well) as a homeschooler.

The Benefits of APs for Homeschoolers

  • Back up homeschool grades
  • Competitiveness with other applicants
  • Compare with other students on a national, standardized test
  • Prepare for college-level work
  • Know how to prepare, study, and take a difficult exam
  • Increase chances at merit aid for schools that offer it
  • Skip lower level classes at college
  • Save money if the school accepts good AP scores as credit
  • If taking an online class, it could be the first time your homeschooler is surrounded by motivated and like-minded peers.
  • A chance to go deeper in a subject much loved

APs are sometimes given a bad rap in the homeschool world.

I mean - your homeschooler came home to learn in their own way, following their own interests. Why would you suddenly take standardized tests to satisfy admissions officers? The truth is, you don’t have to. For most schools in this country, you don’t need to play that game. SAT or ACT scores and GPA are enough. And many schools are test-optional.

But what if your homeschooler wants to attend a top tier school? An ivy? A super selective liberal arts college? Then, you should have a plan in place. And the earlier the better.

“We have found that the best predictors at Harvard are Advanced Placement tests and International Baccalaureate Exams, closely followed by the College Board subject tests. High school grades are next in predictive power, followed by the SAT and ACT.” - William R. Fitzsimmons, the dean of admissions and financial aid at Harvard College

And if you don’t have a homeschooler headed to the Ivies? APs are still a great way to support the grades on your homeschool transcript and possibly earn college credit.

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How Homeschoolers Can Take Advantage of AP’s

1. Take an online course.

Ten years ago, there was only one online provider for APs. Now, there are many more options. Some offer a variety of subjects - check out PA Homeschoolers, CTY, AIM Academy, and Blue Tent. Others offer classes in a specific subject - check out, Lukeion Project, and Edhesive.

2. Create your own AP course and get approval by College Board.

Yes, you have the same opportunity as every other high school teacher does. Check out College Board’s page for homeschoolers going through the AP Course Audit process.

3. Self-Study for the exam without taking an official class.

There are great books and great online resources that can support your homeschooler while studying for the test. Coursera, EdX, Khan Academy, and practice tests through the College Board are free and accessible to all. Reviewing the guidelines and syllabi for each course on College Board’s site is another great way to understand the test. In addition, search Google for brick and mortar high school AP class syllabi - there are some fabulously generous teachers who upload every video, assignment, and test for all to benefit.

4. Take an approved class without taking the exam.

Why would you do this? Some want the challenge without the pressure of studying for the exam. Some are seniors already accepted to a college and just don’t need the backing of an AP score. And…each exam costs a whopping $94! Another reason you may want to skip the exam.

When are AP Exams offered?

AP Exams are offered one time only - for two weeks each May.

They tend to be at a time that is already stressful for high schoolers - it’s a common time for prom, spring sports championships, SAT, ACT, and college visits. It’s imperative that you consider your homeschooler’s schedule when planning out which AP courses to include in your year.

How to Sign Up For an AP Course as a Homeschooler

It is up to each homeschooler to find schools that offer a particular AP exam. Not every school offers every exam. And not every school will allow homeschoolers to take AP exams. Be prepared to drive a distance if your homeschooler is taking AP Art History or AP Japanese!

  1. Begin your search at the beginning of the school year! The deadline for schools to order AP exams is November 15th. Plan ahead and call local schools. Ask if they offer a particular exam and if they welcome homeschoolers.
  2. Inform the school of any accommodations your homeschooler may need.
  3. Follow the school’s registration process.
  4. Arrive at the test site with photo ID that is government or school issued. Or use this handy ID form that has been notarized. Plan ahead for this!
  5. On the day of the exam, the coordinator will give students a sticker sheet that has the homeschool code on it. They’ll tell students when and where to put the stickers as the exam progresses.
  6. Await your homeschooler’s score report, which will be available in their College Board account - usually in early July.

When Your Teen Should Take APs

Taking an AP class or an AP exam is dependent upon the motivation and maturity and preparedness for a particular class and exam. Some are ready in their niche subject in 8th or 9th grade. Some aren’t ready until later in their high school years. Do note that if AP scores are more than four years old, they have been archived and no longer viewable online. You will need to request scores to be sent to schools via a form that can be mailed (or faxed!) to the College Board.

👉 Explain your AP classes in your school profile. Get insider tips, samples, and a template with the School Profile Toolkit! Grab it HERE!

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Which AP Classes Should Your Homeschooler Take?

  • Consider their strengths. And be honest about their weaknesses. AP courses take more time and effort than your homeschooler may be used to. Don’t insist that your child take AP Calc when their strength isn’t math.
  • Prepare with prerequisites. While some homeschoolers do well going straight into AP Bio, many do better after taking a regular Bio class. Your mileage may vary, but keep this in mind when scheduling the high school years.
  • How committed is your homeschooler? Let’s get real. Your kid needs to buy into this 100 percent. Don’t just insist on AP classes to make admissions officers happy. Your homeschooler needs to like the class format, the class subject, and the class challenge.
  • Which ones confirm your homeschooler’s academic interests highlighted on the transcript? Ideally, the application should show overwhelming evidence of your homeschooler’s academic passions and goals. Ask yourself which APs will be yet another way to provide that evidence.
  • Which ones fit in your homeschooler’s schedule? Too many times, I have seen parents encourage a large number of exams and it just isn’t doable, especially alongside other difficult classes, jobs, and extracurriculars. Be realistic.

Some AP Exams Are Considered Easier Than Others.

Of course, it depends on the student and the quality of preparation, but exams such as Psychology, Human Geography, Environmental Studies, and US Government are generally considered easier exams. The more difficult exams tend to be Calculus BC, Biology, Chemistry, Physics C, and US History.

Remember that the class and the commitment are key to doing well on the exams!

And What Does It Mean To Do Well?

AP exams are scored between a 1 and 5. A 3 or above is considered passing, but some colleges and universities will only accept a score of 4 or 5 for credit and placement.

5 = extremely well qualified
4 = well qualified
3 = qualified
2 = possibly qualified
1 = no recommendation

Once upon a time, only the elite few took AP courses. And they did it to earn college credit. Nowadays, it’s not so much about saving money and graduating early. It’s more about getting in.

That’s not to say that schools no longer accept that credit. Many still do. It’s just not common among the selective schools. Selective schools, however, tend to use good scores as a way to place out of introductory level courses.

College Board has a convenient tool for you to determine which category a college is in - credit or no credit. Placement or no placement.

How Many APs Do Highly Selective Schools and Ivies Want To See?

I don’t like the answer I’m about to give you. But, the reality is that your homeschooler is going to be compared to highly competitive applicants - many of whom come from the most elite of private schools.

It’s common for those applicants to have between 5 and 10 AP classes.

Admissions officers do look at the context within a school, which is obviously impossible as a homeschooler. So you might want to consider shooting for 5 or more.

Am I saying that your homeschooler has no chance at selective schools without a large number of APs?

Absolutely not. Many times, homeschoolers with fewer APs are additionally qualified with dual enrollment or college classes or an impressive accomplishment in some academic or extracurricular pursuit. Or perhaps they fulfill an institutional priority such as race/ethnicity, legacy, or athletics.

How To Report AP Classes and Scores on the Homeschool Transcript?

  • On the transcript, you can list a course as AP ONLY if it has been officially approved by College Board.You CANNOT call a course AP unless it has this distinction!
  • If the course is self-study or an online course that just “prepares” for AP exams, you may list those courses as Honors.
  • You may name the class “English Lit with AP Exam” if you wish.
  • You may weight the AP classes. Many choose to weight AP courses by an extra 0.5 or 1.0.
  • You may list the scores or upcoming exams with a score “TBD” on the transcript.
  • If your homeschooler has a score of 3 or below, leave it off if applying to selective schools.

Use my online calculator and calculate the GPA for your homeschooler!

online gpa for homeschool transcript

Where Else in the Application Should AP Courses and Scores Be Addressed?

School Profile. In your school profile, you can describe your homeschooler’s AP courses, official or not. You can note the online provider or the fact that your syllabus was approved by College Board. You can address the weighting system you chose. You can mention that your homeschooler self-studied.

Course Descriptions. Here, name and label the classes the same way as in the transcript. I also recommend you put your homeschooler’s score in the course listing.

Self-Reporting scores in the student’s application. Be strategic here. If your homeschooler has scores of 4 or 5, report these scores!

In the Counselor’s “Profile” section of the Common App, there is this question: Which of the following courses are offered at your school? AP, IB, Honors? Count accordingly (only including officially approved courses as AP) and put that number in the “Number of courses offered” AND “Number of courses taken.” Strange question for a homeschooler, but it’s the logical way to answer it!

In the Counselor’s “Workspace” section under “Curriculum”, it asks if the student is an AP Capstone Student. Answer accordingly.

In the “Honors” section of the student’s Common Application, if applicable, list AP Scholar, AP Scholar with Honors, AP Scholar with Distinction, etc.

Hold up! What did I say about AP Scholar?

Did you know that, if your homeschooler scores at least a 3 on three exams, they are recognized as an AP Scholar? If the average score is even higher, the award level changes. You can view confirmation of this on your homeschooler’s score report. Check College Board for the various award levels and requirements.

APs vs. Dual Enrollment vs. College Courses

Ah, the question with no clear-cut answer. I ask every admissions officer I meet. Many say they like to see DE or college courses. And the reason? Social interaction! We just can’t escape the stigma!

I always inform them that there are many AP courses online now with live, interactive classes. And they’re always surprised. They assume our homeschoolers are self-studying and never leaving the house.

In my experience, a mix of both AP and college courses is best. AP courses and exams are an easy way for colleges to compare apples to apples when it comes to their applicants.

The Bottom Line is This.

Selective schools regularly say they want to see students take the most challenging courses. In a sea of highly-qualified applicants, high scores on standardized tests like the AP exams put homeschoolers on an even playing field. For top-tier schools, that’s the minimum needed to get into the “consider” pile.

As Amherst College’s website states, “If you have taken International Baccalaureate, Advanced Placement or college courses during secondary school, we view this as significant evidence of your academic ambition, accomplishment, and preparation.”

If your homeschooler is committed to a certain academic path, plan ahead and enjoy the ride!

👉 Get insider tips, samples, and a template with the Counselor Letter Toolkit! Grab it HERE!

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Your Turn

How is your homeschooler taking advantage of AP classes or exams? Share in a comment below!


Lisa Davis Fearless Homeschoolers

I'm Lisa Davis, Founder of Fearless Homeschoolers and proud member of IECA. As a college admissions consultant who's worked with hundreds of homeschool families, I believe you should know exactly how to go through the homeschool to college journey without second guessing yourself. Join me and I'll show you the way...

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